Mid August I was asked to meet up with Paul Connolly (VP Sales & Marketing) from C8 MediSensors together with the Ideagoras team and 2 fellow “e-Patients” in Madrid to look at C8 MediSensors’s new Non Invasive CGM.
Traditional CGM technology is typically invasive and this is where C8 Medisensors may potentially make a break through.
C8 MediSensors’ optical glucose monitoring technology is a breakthrough in glucose monitoring science. Completely non-invasive, this new technology promises a new glucose monitoring experience.
I am really excited about the concept of this device. Although we could not personally try it, we did get to feel, hold, fondle one, (Paul – VP from C8) had a sensor on. He was able to show how the device linked to the smartphone for the moment is “Android only”. We were assured that a iOS version would be available at a later date.

Me, Olga, Paul (C8) & Patricia
One for sure is that the 3 “e-patients” were mighty jealous of Paul’s blood glucose during the meeting as yours truly had dropped down to a 63 (3.5) during the meeting and had to rely upon a packet of Skittles to keep me going much to everyone’s amusement.
So how does this work?
- A small light-sensitive sensor, worn against the abdomen, will transmit a gentle pulse of light into the skin.
- The light will detect glucose molecules so the monitor can measure the concentration of glucose.
- The glucose reading is continuously transmitted wirelessly to a display on your smartphone.
What will it cost you?
- Here in Spain it will cost you approx. €3000 up front with your hard-earned cash. At time of writing the device is for “investigational” purposes only and will not be reimbursed via Insurance companies or Social Security in each country.
- Note: The device has yet to gain its CE mark, however the Medisensor is likely to be released by years end.
Although in my opinion the device is quite bulky and having spoken with others who have met up with C8, this seems to be a common observation together with the weight. For me I would be happy to trade-off that concern if quality data was being fed back to me. The sensor is required to be up against skin the belt is necessary to make sure that all stays where it should. All snuggled up against your skin!
The belt removed when required whether you are looking to do some hardcore exercise, bathing/showering or for those times when you simply want to detach yourself. The belt makes it easy to do just that despite the slightly cumbersome nature in its current state.
I do understand that questions have been asked about the belt that would be worn and it would appear more of a concern for women naturally. I am sure though that as the product evolves, as the technology evolves the device will become smaller, lighter, more compact and even more wearable.
Please note that the C8 MediSensors device is intended as an adjunct device for people with diabetes over 18 years of age!
For many the €3000 price tag will I’m sure put people off initially, but for those who are now self/partially funding traditional CGM’s will notice that the cost when split over 3/4 years offers a significant saving when compared to current devices and the consumables that come with it.
I would seriously head over to the C8 Medisensors website and check out the answers to some common questions! This I feel will be a game changer and will I hope lead to more improved technology which can only benefits those who rely on such devices.
A real quick breakdown;
- Innovative technology
- Non Invasive
- Ease of Use
- Price (if paying total amount up front in cold cash)
- Weight – Will improve given time as technology evolves.
- Belt
Some other folks have also shared their thoughts on the Sensor so in no particular order go check them out!
- http://mypumpblog.com/2012/09/03/c8-medisensors-new-non-invasive-cgm-device-wow/
- http://www.shootuporputup.co.uk/2012/09/a-cheaper-non-invasive-cgm/
- http://www.everydayupsanddowns.co.uk/2012/09/c8-medisensors-bright-future-for-cgms.html
- [En Español] – http://santospatricia.wordpress.com/2012/09/11/reunion-con-medisensors/
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