Why Is Water Important? Health Benefits Of Drinking Enough Water

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Water is life. It’s common knowledge that the human body is mostly water. Water covers around 60% of the body, to be exact. Aside from that, the world is also composed mostly of water, roughly 71% of the planet’s surface is covered by water.

Since water is so important to our lives and wellbeing, staying hydrated is important, and we’re recommended to drink 8-glasses of water per day. However, this is false general knowledge, and the fact is that we should drink as much as we need. For instance, an athlete or laborer would require much more water than your average office worker, simply because he is sweating and losing more water. Your gender also plays a part in how much water you require. New research shows that men require at least 15.5 cups or 3.7 liters of water per day, and women should drink approximately 2.7 liters. However, this does not take into account one’s mass – the higher your mass, the more water you will require.

Now that we know the misconceptions about water, we should ask ourselves a question, why is drinking water a healthy habit? Here are some health benefits as to why we should drink nature-purified water.

Water helps us lose weight

While there’s no magic ingredient in water itself, the truth is that oftentimes, we mistake thirst for hunger. By creating the habit of reaching for water first, we will eliminate the need for consuming extra calories. Drinking water when you are hungry will also stop you from overeating during meals as you will be filled from all that fluid.

It regulates body temperature

Staying hydrated throughout the day is crucial to maintain one’s body temperature. Of course, the body loses a lot of water through sweat during daily physical activities, and when the environment is too hot.

To replenish the water lost through sweating, we should make sure we drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. You can opt to carry bottled water with you to hydrate your body.

Drinking enough water may help relieve constipation

Constipation is a common problem that we all have ever experienced. It is characterized by the infrequent movement of bowel and difficulty when passing stool. Doctors have always recommended increasing fluid intake as a part of the constipation treatment.

It is important to maintain your water intake to aid the smooth movement of the bowel out of the body. If you are already constipated, you may find that drinking carbonated water can help ease your condition.

It aids in digestion

Drinking enough water before and after meals will help your body break down the food more efficiently. Hydrating your body will prevent digestive problems and an overly acidic stomach, which may, in turn, increase the risk of stomach ulcers as well as heartburn.

Adopt a healthy drinking water habit to aid in the smooth digestion of food in the stomach.

Drinking enough water helps excrete waste materials from our body

Your body uses body water to sweat, urinate, and aid bowel movements. Sweating regulates body temperature during warm temperatures. Although, when one is sweating, some of the waste electrolytes are lost with sweat.

On the other hand, the kidney is responsible for deamination, filtering out waste through urination. Adequate water consumption will help the kidney work efficiently, preventing kidney stones that may sometimes be painful. Increasing your fluids intake may increase the urine passage through the kidneys, thus dilution of minerals, so they are less likely to form clumps.

Drinking plenty of water boosts our Energy.

Drinking plenty of water may activate our metabolism functions, and thus positively impact on energy levels. You may boost your energy levels every time you are working by carrying bottled drinking water with you.

It helps to keep your skin brighter and beautiful.

Water intake will keep your skin hydrated throughout the day, and this promotes collagen production. With dehydration, our skin becomes more vulnerable to skin diseases and premature wrinkling on your face. Adequate water intake keeps your skin smooth and beautiful always, think of it as part of a good skincare routine.

Adequate intake of water has a major effect on Brain function and Cognitive functions.

Your brain is strongly influenced by the level of hydration in your body. Mild dehydration can impair many aspects of your cognitive functions. Dehydration impairs mood, memory, and brain performance in children and adults. Mostly anytime we are feeling anxiety, we should take some water to get relieved.

There are days when we even experience sharp headaches, and this may be a result of dehydration in your body.


Water is crucial in maintaining our health. To make sure that we hydrate our bodies throughout the day, we should drink plenty of water. You can carry with you drinking bottled water to energize your body. Consider drinking plenty of water a habit.

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