What to Expect During Inpatient Alcohol Rehab

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Different individuals suffering from alcohol use disorder (AUD) require different treatments to help their recovery. What works best depends on the severity of the symptoms. Some people with AUD become too dependent on alcohol so that they experience severe withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking. When alcohol dependency is intense, these individuals would highly benefit by submitting themselves to inpatient alcohol rehab. Benefits of Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Individuals with an addiction to alcohol can benefit from rehab, as most of these facilities have proven methods that help people overcome their dependency. Some individuals who choose to stop drinking abruptly often suffer from the effects of withdrawal. When withdrawal symptoms are becoming too dangerous for the individual, they have to undergo detoxification. Detoxification centers help individuals fight their addiction by:

  • Improving physical health
  • Providing proper diet
  • Administering correct medications
  • Provision of focused therapy
  • Offering a strong support system

Several facilities that provide inpatient alcohol rehab PA have different treatments for their clients, including: Holistic Approach Holistic therapy uses natural and cultural methods of healing. This healing includes the introduction of whole foods to provide nutrition for the mind and body. Aside from diet, the clients also engage in physical activity outdoors where they can have fresh air and sunshine to aid in their recovery. Other activities include relaxation, natural medicines, meditation, and massage therapy. Nutritional Counselling Nutritional counseling introduces a balanced and nutritious diet to the system since most of the individuals struggling with addiction often have nutritional deficiencies. Rehab centers understand that they cannot offer long-term nutrition to their clients. For this reason, they also teach about proper food preparation. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Inpatient alcohol rehab also provides clients access to dialectical behavior therapy that will help them accept and change their issues. The main method is by helping them practice alcohol abstinence. By changing their outlook, and not forcing them to quit abruptly, clients can achieve significant results. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy This counseling method uses the fundamentals of psychotherapy, where clients will attend sessions to address their dysfunctional thoughts, change their behavior, and adjust their emotions to improve their outlook in life. What to Expect During Inpatient Alcohol Rehab An inpatient rehab program is an intensive addiction treatment that requires clients to stay in the facility for round-the-clock supervision. In general, these rehab facilities follow a specific plan that allows them to provide a safe environment for everyone. Inside the facility, clients will sleep, eat, and receive treatment along with other individuals in different stages of treatment. It will look like clients attending a camp – for alcoholics. Clients who would participate in an inpatient alcohol rehab facility must bring some personal items that they can use during their stay. These facilities will not allow clients to bring in anything that contains alcohol in it, sealed over-the-counter medications, food items, and revealing clothes. Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Program Assessment and Detoxification The first few days in the rehab are always the most intense. Staff would make an initial assessment as soon as the client enters the rehab. The evaluation will include an exhaustive interview that will cover medical and family history, medical examination, blood extraction, and urine testing. This assessment is necessary to evaluate the case and identify individual needs. All of the information they will get is important for the treatment plan. If the client suffers from severe effects of alcohol, there may be a need to undergo medical detoxification immediately. The detoxification process will be under medical supervision, as there may be a need to administer medication in system to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Treatment The success of inpatient alcohol rehab depends on the treatment the client will receive while in the program. Clients must attend regular individual therapy and group counseling sessions. These sessions are essential to help people in recovery to make them understand how alcohol has taken hold of their lives and how they can effectively overcome it. Group sessions are necessary because it helps clients to convey their feelings and allows them to develop communication skills as they socialize in the facility. Additionally, these group sessions offer emotional support and assurance that recovery is indeed possible. Individual therapy helps clients unlock and understand the mental issues that they may have, such as anxiety or depression. Aftercare A client’s stay in the rehab depends on the severity of the condition and the client’s response to treatment. In general, an inpatient alcohol rehab in PA lasts for 28 days. Some programs may take several months. It all depends on the client. It should be noted that regardless of the length of time spent in rehab, clients must maintain ongoing follow-up care. The most successful recovery programs require their clients to continue treatment on an outpatient basis for months to years after the inpatient therapy. For an inpatient alcohol rehab to be successful, the client must admit that they have a problem with alcohol and that they are willing to change. Clients must express their need to enter a treatment program. This way, they will willingly respond to treatment and work hard to achieve their goal of leading an alcohol-free life. It is also essential for clients to receive motivation and support from their family and friends.

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By Ryan Kh
Ryan Kh is an experienced blogger, digital content & social marketer. Founder of Catalyst For Business and contributor to search giants like Yahoo Finance, MSN. He is passionate about covering topics like big data, business intelligence, startups & entrepreneurship. Email: ryankh14@icloud.com
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