What Is Scoliosis? 4 Ways To Treat It

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If you or your loved one is living with scoliosis and you are currently looking for the best scoliosis treatment chiropractic in Rochelle, you have come to the right place. In this article, we are going to share a few effective surgical and non-surgical ways to manage scoliosis, to reduce pain, and to enhance your posture. But before learning about the different care options available for you, we will discuss first what scoliosis really is.

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a painful disorder that is characterized by a three-dimensional deformity that results in changes to the structure and function of the spine. It also negatively affects the para-spinal soft tissue structures, and may be linked to imbalances or dysfunctions in the proprioceptive and vestibular systems. It is commonly diagnosed in adolescence, but can be found in adults as well.  In the United States alone, there are around 5-7 million people who are affected with this spinal disorder.

There are 5 different forms of scoliosis: the myopathic deformity, idiopathic curve, paralytic curve, congenital curve, and secondary scoliosis. Among these 5 forms, idiopathic scoliosis, which has an unknown cause, is the most common. Of all scoliosis cases, 80 percent is idiopathic.

Scoliosis can be either mild or severe. But regardless of its severity, the bottom line stays the same. That is, it offers adverse effects not only on your health and posture but also on your overall well-being. It can also worsen over time most especially if left untreated. And since we spend a third of life in a dream, a proper mattress for scoliosis can also play an important role.

Different treatment options for scoliosis

Scoliosis is highly comparable to diabetes since it requires ongoing care. It is important to understand that though there are a few care options available to treat scoliosis, it cannot be totally cured, reversed, and corrected. The most commonly used treatment options for scoliosis are surgery, bracing, casting, and chiropractic care.

1. Surgery

For severe cases where bracing and casting are no longer effective, surgery is required. As with other treatment methods, surgery can’t reverse or cure scoliosis. It can only help minimize the severity of the curve and prevent the disorder from progressing. The major downside of scoliosis surgery is the high risks of complications which often include nerve damage, pain, bleeding, infection, and sometimes pseudarthrosis.

2. Bracing

Adolescents and children with moderate scoliosis and whose bones are still growing are advised to wear braces. Again, just like other care options, braces can’t reverse scoliosis. They can, however, help stop further curvature and prevent the spinal disorder from getting worse. To be effective, braces should be worn at all times.

3. Casting

Casting is used for infantile scoliosis. The doctor will attach the cast, which is often made of plaster of Paris, to the spine of the infant to bring the spinal column back to its normal form as it grows. In order to be effective, it has to be worn at all times.

The primary disadvantage of casting, though, is that it can be very expensive in the long run. Since infants rapidly grow, the doctor has to change the cast from time to time.

4. Chiropractic Scoliosis Treatment

While surgery, bracing and casting can be effective corrections to the spine’s curvature in cases of severe scoliosis, they do not address the para-spinal soft tissue structures or the imbalances or dysfunctions in the proprioceptive and vestibular systems. In addition to neglecting these issues, surgery, bracing, and casting also carry negative side effects.

According to the Scoliosis Research Society (www.srs.org) alternative methods to treat scoliosis such as chiropractic, yoga, and physical therapy may provide some physical benefit to the patient without negative side effects.

The chiropractic approach has been proven effective in treating scoliosis. Chiropractic therapies and adjustments work by improving the form of the spinal column, allowing better functionality and joint mobility. Chiropractic adjustments can likewise minimize pain, enhance posture, and improve comfort. In addition to chiropractic adjustments, utilizing massage, physical therapy, and acupuncture can assist with core strengthening to prevent further damage to the spine and offer symptom relief.

People living with scoliosis suffer from physical and emotional discomfort. With the help of a chiropractor in Rochelle, you are able to live a better life with lesser limitations and without surgery and bracing. The chiropractor can likewise address other health issues associated with your spinal disorder and help prevent spine degradation in the long run.

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