Source: Dexigner
Healthcare IT News recently sat down with healthcare decision makers Michael Manning, MD Medical Director, Murphy Medical Center, Greg Wolverton CIO ARcare, and James L Holly, MD CEO, Southwest Texas Medical Associates to share their insight on what they hope the healthcare system will look like in 2017.
Hopefully by 2017, there will be more interopoerability in all aspects of healthcare delivery and we have made progress on creating a more patient centered healthcare model. Time will have revealed if the ACO model has been effective or totally abandoned by that time. mHealth should be deeply embedded in the healthcare delivery model instead fragmented by certain specializations. EMR/EHR systems should be more intuitive in nature. These are just some of the thoughts that come to mind when looking towards the future in healthcare. I can speculate about many areas within healthcare; however, the only fact is healthcare costs will continue to increase presenting many challenges with an increasing aging population.
Where do you see healthcare in the future?