Using Facebook Ads and Power Editor for Hospital Recruitment

2 Min Read

Looking for good help in healthcare can be challenging. Many hospitals use recruiters and other online employment sources to find good talent. Another option is Facebook. With over a billion users, it is one powerful social network and it may just help you find the perfect candidate.

Looking for good help in healthcare can be challenging. Many hospitals use recruiters and other online employment sources to find good talent. Another option is Facebook. With over a billion users, it is one powerful social network and it may just help you find the perfect candidate.

In addition to building your social fan base and get more likes, you can use Facebook to create paid cost-per-click ads for recruitment. You can target who sees your ad by utilizing specific categories and interests. For example, if your hospital is located in Miami and is looking for nurses, you can specify that your ad is only seen by nurses in the South Florida area. The ad can include a call to action such as a landing page URL with more information on the position and a way to apply.

To take it one step further, by utilizing Facebook’s Power Editor Tool, (a free plugin for Chrome browsers) your targeted viewers will see your ads not only on the right sidebar, but within their news feed as a sponsored post. More important, this tool lets you advertise not just on but on mobile devices as well – including smartphones and tablets using the Facebook app.

With more people accessing the web on mobile devices and Facebook, you want to be one of the top destinations they’re looking at and spending the most time on.

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