Taking proper care of your health can be costly. The upside is that the right type of health coverage will go a long way toward resolving issues before they can become major problems. While you may have one or two of these forms of health coverage in place already, it pays to make sure you have everything from HSA accounts to vision insurance. Consider securing any of the following that?s not already in place. Disability Coverage 1. No one starts the day expecting to be in an accident or develop an illness that makes it impossible to continue working. Disability coverage is a wonderful way to ease some of your financial worries and focus more on recovering as much of your health as possible. Short term disability coverage provides resources for medical and other expenses while you recover from an illness or injury. The expectation is that you will eventually recover from whatever has taken place and be able to return to your work. When there’s a strong indication that you will be unable to work for a year or more, or that your injuries make returning to the work force in the same capacity impossible, it’s good to have long term disability insurance in place. The benefits help to offset all or some of your lost income. Even if you are able to take on a little work that pays less and is in line with your current physical and mental capabilities, the benefits are likely to continue. 2. A Health Savings Account HSA accounts are a type of gap medical resources that makes it possible to enjoy a wider range of treatments. Deposit funds into the account regularly and then withdraw them when you need to cover a deductible or copay. You can also use the funds in your account to pay for procedures and treatments that are not covered by your health insurance plan. For example, you believe that acupuncture would help with a current condition. That?s great, but your health insurance does not cover acupuncture treatments. If the terms of your HSA allow for acupuncture, go ahead and schedule a round of treatments. You can use the balance in the account to cover the cost. 3. Health Insurance While long term disability insurance is there if the unexpected happens, your health insurance plan provides the initial line of defense for most types of medical care. Use it to cover expenses such as routine medical visits, check-ups, inpatient or outpatient surgery, and a number of other medical events. 4. Dental Coverage While some health insurance packages include dental coverage, others do not. Take a good look at your health insurance and see if it covers anything other than dental procedures that are associated with an accident or injury. If not, you should look into some sort of dental insurance plan. Just like your health insurance, there will likely be copays and deductibles that apply to different types of dental treatments. Remember that the funds in HSA accounts can be used to cover those expenses. Between the provisions in your dental plan and the funds in the account, you could have the dental work and pay nothing out of pocket. 5. Vision Insurance Vision coverage is something else that may or may not be included in your health insurance plan. Even if you have perfect vision, it?s important to undergo an annual eye exam. When you do need some type of corrective eyewear, it?s nice to know that the insurance plan will often cover part of the cost of frames and lenses, or allow you to purchase contact lenses. That same plan will help if you have a condition like dry eye syndrome or develop any type of eye infection. Final Thoughts What?s lacking in your medical care plans? Whether you really need to get dental coverage or want to secure long term disability insurance as a safeguard for something that could happen in the future, today is the day to bring your planning up to speed. Choose wisely and you will be ready to face whatever might happen in the future.
Top 5 Types Of Health Coverage You Need Right Now

John Henning is a nutritionist, freelance writer, and food blogger that provides accessible nutrition info to help people live a healthier life. His unique approach to nutrition emphasizes nutrient-dense, whole foods and healthy habits rather than restrictive diets.