Fast Company routinely publishes their list of ‘Most Innovative Companies’. You can find their earlier list here. Here’s their list of most innovative companies in healthcare for 2012.
Fast Company routinely publishes their list of ‘Most Innovative Companies’. You can find their earlier list here. Here’s their list of most innovative companies in healthcare for 2012.
1) National Marrow Donor Program
Their use of technology shortens the ‘Bone marrow transplant’ time by using an online hub that helps keep donors and recipients on track during the steps beforetransplantation. They have also added new matching algorithms to improve search accuracy. NMDP makes extensive use of social media to search for new donors.
India’s pride, this is one institution which has beautifully married public and private healthcare, among it’s many other innovations in healthcare services delivery.
3) Walgreens
They are a $70 billion company and the largest drug store chain in the U.S. They offer some amazing online deals in healthcare products.
Like a price compare in Healthcare services allowing you to bargain, Castlight Health provides transparency into cost and quality, so individuals can make informed decisions about health care.
5) Assistivewear
This is one of my favorites. Assistivewear was founded in 2000 and they work mainly with apple products. Their inclusion is for developing a Virtual on-screen keyboard for Mac OS X users who cannot use a physical one.
This is one of my favorites. Assistivewear was founded in 2000 and they work mainly with apple products. Their inclusion is for developing a Virtual on-screen keyboard for Mac OS X users who cannot use a physical one.

6) IBM
This is a fixture in any such list of ‘most innovative companies’. This time, they feature on the list for their hugely popular ‘Watson supercomputer‘. Watson is expected to soon bring its massive artificial intelligence algorithms to help improve healthcare and clinical medicine.
7) Össur
A niche player in orthopedic devices, they are in the list for building the “smart” knee, the first motorized, personalized prosthesis. 
A preventive healthcare services company, they are in the list for funding a data-mining competition to reduce unnecessary hospital visits.
9) Esri
A mapping software (G.I.S) company, they have brought in the concept of commercial use of ‘Geo-medicine’, where they use mapping software to help in diagnosis, management and prevention of diseases (many of which have an environmental trigger).
10) 3M
A large product manufacturing company, they have about 55,000 products in the market, many of them in the healthcare and electronics. Their inclusion is because of their cardiology grade Littmann® Electronic Stethoscope.
A large product manufacturing company, they have about 55,000 products in the market, many of them in the healthcare and electronics. Their inclusion is because of their cardiology grade Littmann® Electronic Stethoscope.