The Impact Of Mobile App Development On Health And Wellness

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As the world struggles with an ongoing health and wellness crisis, the top app development companies are working to combat it. It is believed that nearly 2 billion adults are overweight. Widespread obesity must be combated, as it can lead to a host of other health related issues.

The illnesses that can be caused by obesity also come with a massive price tag. The costs that are associated with obesity can reach into the billions and are expected to cross the $1 trillion mark before long. The health and wellness industries are currently in the process of responding to this crisis.

With the assistance of the top app development companies, these industries look to create the solutions that will define the years to come. Health startups and top notch tech companies are already working with top app development companies to assist those in need. The market is currently booming. Popular fitness apps are now hauling in tens of millions each year by themselves.

The healthcare industry is already investing in various apps that are designed to achieve the necessary goals. One of the primary goals of these apps is a simple one: improving the relationships between patients and their primary caregivers. In many instances, patients are unable to communicate their issues in a timely manner. This puts a major damper on their ability to receive treatment.

Thanks to the apps that are developed by the top app development companies, this is no longer an issue. Mobile patient portals are the way of the world now. When patients need quick access to medical care, these portals are a pivotal tool. They can make appointments more quickly, receive care from a distance and ask all of the most important questions with the mere touch of a button.

Wearable devices that were once used for vanity purposes are now being created with legitimate healthcare concerns in mind. These devices will soon allow patients to sync all of their most important data. Mobile nutrition apps and mobile fitness apps can also provide the physician with a clearer picture of their patient’s overall health.

The top app development companies are already working tirelessly to craft the necessary innovations. When patients struggle to keep track of their medications on an everyday basis, various apps are designed to provide them with the appropriate reminders. If the patient needs reminders about potentially dangerous prescription mixtures and/or refills, these apps are an instrumental tool.

The world of fitness apps is also changing by the second. To combat obesity, patients must be given the tools to exercise properly. As anyone who has ever tried to lose weight in the past already knows, this can be a tough task. That’s where the top app development companies come into play. The top gyms are already utilizing apps to assist their patrons.

These apps provide the patron with access to workout data that is tailored to their specific needs. To combat obesity, specialized workout plans are needed. That’s why top tier gyms (such as Equinox) are already creating apps to assist those who are looking to fight the battle of the bulge. Artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in the development of these apps.

Machine learning is key, as it allows the app to learn more about the user with each and every workout. The apps that are currently in development are designed to make the workout process easier and increase the completion rate. There are also a number of fitness gurus who are designing their own individual apps. It has never been easier for a patient to get started on this process.

Lastly, patients can receive assistance when it comes to their nutrition. After all, what good is a workout plan if the patient is still making the wrong choices at mealtime? Nutrition trackers provide access to more thorough calorie counting than ever before. Patients who have been consuming the wrong foods get the wake up call that they need before it is too late.

Obesity is not always caused by the factors that most people think. Sure, the world is filled with couch potatoes who gorge themselves on the sort of foods that you are only supposed to consume in moderation.

However, there are also patients who can shed the necessary pounds with just a few minor adjustments. Thanks to the advent of nutrition apps that have been created by the top app development companies, these adjustments are much easier to come by.

The average patient is simply unaware of the true nutritional value of what they are eating on an everyday basis. Education is key. The health and wellness industries understand the patient’s concerns and are actively working to assist them. As the obesity epidemic continues to grow, it is important for patients to be as proactive as possible. Otherwise, they are placing themselves at risk of severe long term health issues.

Custom mobile applications are the bridge that must be built if today’s consumer is ever going to combat the obesity crisis. It is easy to point out the issues that are taking place but it is harder to handle them.


That’s why top notch app developers are going to play such a key role going forward. The app user of today needs the proper tools, so that they can take a more proactive role in their own health. These industries will continue to grow at a significant rate in the years to come, creating a wealth of opportunity for forward thinking developers.

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Melissa Crooks is Content Writer who writes for Hyperlink InfoSystem reviews, one of the leading app development companies in New York, USA & India that holds the best team of skilled and expert app developers. She is a versatile tech writer and loves exploring latest technology trends, entrepreneur and startup column. She also writes for top app development companies.
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