The AMA Will Release 335 CPT Code Updates Next Year

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September is here, and with it comes the annual release of new, revised, and deleted CPT code updates for the coming year. If you are wondering what 2019 has in store for you, you don’t have to wait for the new CPT® coding book to be released.

Begin your preparations early by getting a head start on the 335 CPT® code changes effective Jan 1st, including new remote patient monitoring, inter-professional internet consultation, skin biopsy and FNA codes.

Look Forward to Three New Sets of Codes for Skin Biopsy

Effective Jan.1, you’ll have many new skin biopsy codes to choose from. CPT® 2019 adds three sets of codes, and each set has one code for a single lesion along with one add-on code for each separate/additional lesion. You will no longer use the existing biopsy codes 11100 and 11101. Instead you will base your coding on the biopsy type: 11102, 11103 (tangential, like shave or curette); 11104, 11105 (punch), and 11106, 11107 (Incisional, such as a wedge).

Incorporate New FNA Bundled Codes

One the most significant changes in the 2019 code set will be an assortment of nine new fine needle aspiration (FNA) codes that bundle procedures along with radiological supervision and interpretation. FNA code 10021 will be revised while 10022 will make its way out. So instead of reporting 10022 with 76942, you will select from one of the new FNA codes effective Jan. 1, 2019.

Think About Four New Breast MRI Codes

Breast MRI codes get an overhaul, and you will no longer use codes 77058, 77059, and +0159T. Instead you’ll turn to four new codes: two – 77046 and 77047 – to report for breast MRIs with and without contrast, and two codes – 77048 and 77049 – for breast MRIs with CAD.

Ready Yourself for Changes to Cardiovascular & Cardiothoracic Services

Stay alert to changes to cardiovascular codes, including new code 33274 for insertion or replacement, and 33275 for removal of the leadless pacemaker. These codes will replace similar Category III codes 0387T and 0388T.

You can also look forward to new codes for subcutaneous cardiac rhythm monitor services — 33285 and 33286 — in place of existing codes 33282 and 33284. Plus, a new all-in-one code, 33289 will make its debut, covering a long list of services, such as selective pulmonary catheterization and RS&I. You’ll also have a new code — 33440 — for aortic valve replacement, among a host of other changes.

Anticipate New Code for Knee Arthrography

Next up is a new code for knee arthrography — 27369 — with a more specific descriptor that clarifies the code represents an injection procedure for knee arthrography or CT/MRI knee arthrography. This code will replace the current knee arthrography code 27370.

Note: This is just a summary of some of the key CPT® code additions, revisions, deletions, and bundling mandates. Make sure you code for 2019 dates of service using the final official AMA code set.

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Sudhir Singh is an accomplished writer whose work has appeared on leading platforms such as Socialnomics, Hackernoon, HealthWorks Collective, and The Good Men Project. Today, his focus has shifted towards social issues and government initiatives that directly affect Indian lives. Emphasizing the importance of credibility and trust in every piece he writes, Sudhir channels his expertise into shedding light on policies, social change, and the transformative role of technology in society. His credentials are well-established across Socialnomics, Hackernoon, HealthWorks Collective, and The Good Men Project, and he continues to empower Indian souls through incisive commentary and thoughtful analysis.
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