The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality just released its latest ranking of health care delivery. The state of Texas — along with its 1 out of every 4 persons uninsured — finishes dead last out of all fifty. Via TP:
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality just released its latest ranking of health care delivery. The state of Texas — along with its 1 out of every 4 persons uninsured — finishes dead last out of all fifty. Via TP:
Despite Gov. Rick Perry (R) holding up Texas as a model for health care during the GOP presidential primary, Texas ranked last out of all the states in the federal government’s latest ranking of state health care delivery. In the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s annual ratings, the state fell short in nine out of 12 categories. Texas, where 25 percent of the state population is uninsured, was below average in those areas for people without insurance and those covered by Medicaid or Medicare. Even though it could help thousands of uninsured in the state, Perry could follow the example of other GOP governors and refuse Obamacare funds to expand the state’s Medicaid program.
Major deficiencies cited were in home care, care for seniors, and diabetics. Texas’s best numbers — and they were average — were in care delivery to privately insured patients with chronic conditions which, when untreated, could lead to increased mortality rates. Overall, Minnesota was followed by Wisconsin, Maine, Massachusetts and Iowa atop at the top of the federal ranking. West Virginia, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico finished above Texas at the bottom.