Tag: transparency

Health Startups: Rockies Venture Club Nurtures Denver’s Ecosystem

Summary: There’s an active health startup ecosystem in the Denver area, where…

Jeanne Pinder

Price Transparency: The Devil is in the Detail for Hospitals

Let’s say an informed patient determined that the cost for “arteriography and…

Lonnie Hirsch

What Does Transparency in Healthcare Mean to You?

Yesterday’s afternoon discussion at Telluride East was focused on “Transparency”, a buzzword…

Tracy Granzyk

Why Transparency Matters More Than Ever

Relationships are important in rare—and so are reputations. Rare disease communities are…

Pam Todd

Transparency in Health Care: Can It Happen?

Most people, regardless of their political leaning, can agree that the market…

Brad Wright

Transparency in HealthCare: Sunshine is the Best Disinfectant

  From The Fickenscher Files of 6/6/2012   From The Fickenscher Files of 6/6/2012The…
