5 Laws of Innovation and Adoption for Telehealth / mHealth
Every week, I hear about more telehealth, telemedicine, and mHealth solutions in…
Telehealth Tipping Points
Every year, it seems there is increasing excitement about how…
High Quality, Low Cost HealthCare Video Interview Series: John Holland Talks Patient Telemonitoring at AMC Health
Last week, Dr Oliver Kharraz talked about finding doctors and getting appointments…
Should a Hospital Have Separate Departments for Telehealth / Telemedicine / mHealth?
When hospitals and health systems are starting, growing, or reviving telehealth (or…
What Amazon Can Teach us About Telehealth Adoption
One reason Internet shopping got established and grew as quickly as…
Please Log On and Focus Your Webcam: The Doctor Will See You NOW!
First posted on his blog on 12/31/2012 First posted on his blog…
Georgia’s Proposed Telemedicine Rule
Last Thursday, the Georgia Composite Medical Board took up its proposed telemedicine…
Getting a Second Opinion via Telehealth
In medicine, the “second opinion” is often an important step for a…
World’s Largest Healthcare System Banks on Telemedicine
What has been the world’s largest direct healthcare delivery system is now the…