Tag: social security

What To Expect from Social Security Disability Benefits?

While it’s true that no one would want to suffer a disability,…

Olha Zhydik

The Good, The Bad and The Frustrating: Social Security Benefits in the Digital World

As a whole, we adapt to the technology that is constantly introduced…

John Colvin

Social Security Office Makes Overpayments in the Billions

The disability program of the Social Security Administration (SSA) is facing a dire future,…


Social Security Expands Online Services

The Social Security Administration has expanded its online service with a my…

Anthony Cirillo

Medicare Cost Rise Eats Up Part of Social Security Inflation Adjustment

Social Security recipients are likely to get a cost of living allowance…


Dead Consumers Still Getting Social Security Checks

Wait a minute, this is the most relied upon data base in…


Defense Sec’y: Medicare, SS Funding Increases Should Be Considered in Wake of More Cuts in Pentagon Budget

The recent vote by Congress to end the debt ceiling debacle is…


Within Debt Ceiling Debate, House Dems ‘Just Say No’ to Medicare Cuts

Democrats don’t want them. House Minority Leader Pelosi reminded Obama about them.…


AARP Ready to Deal on Social Security Cuts

Modifications are not really a bad thing, just depends on who’s talking…


Privatizing Social Security and Medicare: Who Can Defuse Political Dynamite?

In response to my prior post where I averred that cigarette companies…

Michael Kirsch