Tag: social media

Pharma Tapping into the Power of Social Media

 Recently quoted in PharmaVOICE in the May 2011 edition, I presented my…

Barbara Ficarra

Can Social Media Save Lives?

This provocative title of a webinar to be held next week is part of…


Upcoming Webinar: Can Social Media Save Lives?

Can social media save lives? To find out, join us next Wednesday…

Richard Murphy

Tweetup at the AHLA Annual Meeting in Boston

Come join Bob Coffield (@bobcoffield) and me, together with other speakers, attendees…

David Harlow

Study Highlights Social Media’s Influence in Greater Adoption of Reform Law

Social media is taking on another meaning entirely in the world of…


The Effectiveness of Online Health Intervention Programs

In recent posts on Web-based and mobile behavioral intervention programs, we reviewed…


Online Communities & Attrition from Health Intervention Programs

Provider-centric, face-to-face health intervention programs that help people quit smoking, lose weight…


Social Media in Health Care: It’s Happening … It Works … It’s the *Message*

Warning… this is not going to be a mind blowing post ……


How to Increase the Numbers of Women CEOs in Health IT

The appalling lack of women chief executives in today’s Health IT companies…


Online Health Intervention Programs – Dealing With Attrition

In recent years, developers have released thousands of Web-based and mobile intervention…
