Tag: smoking

Health Insurance Unaffordable for Smokers?

Smoking penalty: Individual health care coverage could become unaffordable for many people…


One Resolution You Should Keep

Happy 2013!While our nation’s leaders play political chess, millions of Americans await…

Liz Seegert

Text Messages Now Help People Kick the Smoking Habit

We all know the health effects smoking causes. We’re familiar with the…


Tobacco Taxes: A Win-Win for the Asia Pacific Region

This is a joint post with Kate McQueston. This is a joint…

Amanda Glassman

Smoking and Sudden Cardiac Death: The Time to Quit is NOW!

Tobacco was once the cash crop of the south.  I grew up…

Kevin Campbell

Southern US Starts to Shun Smoking

If you ever feel like being pessimistic about public health, at least…



Few of our patients at Mount Sinai Adolescent Health Center smoke tobacco,…


Big Tobacco is Still Targeting Our Kids

       Despite the demise of Joe Camel, Big Tobacco is still targeting…


How the Cleveland Clinic Controls Health Care Costs

Of its own employees, that is: Of its own employees, that is:…


Life Expectancy Paradox Explained by Smoking

People with greater income or formal education tend to live longer and…
