Family Practice Rocks and other Cheers !
As I walk around my study, between thoughts about my blogs and…
Can Light Affect Your Health?
With light, the body sets its internal clock to a 24-hour cycle…
What You Eat Matters More Than the Calories
Conclusion: “There are good foods and bad foods, and the advice should…
Obesity Treatment Alternatives to Reshape Markets
Technologies to tackle the growing problem (and opportunity) of obesity globally have…
New Administration Wellness Strategy
Government health officials recently announced the
Rural Health White Paper Released by UnitedHealth Group Think Tank
The UnitedHealth Center for Health Reform and Modernization released a white paper…
RAM (Remote Area Medical) Free Clinic in Virginia Sees Over 4000 Patients
This was a 3 day event with those who have either no…
Scientific Advances on Contraceptive for Men
This blog is largely about texting and health and as much…
High Levels of Physical Activity Could Reduce Silent Stroke Risk
Researchers at Columbia University and the University of Miami found the risk…