Tag: public health

How Will We Care for Six Million Centenarians by 2050?- Video

There's no doubt that people are living longer these days. In 1950…

Fred Pennic Fred Pennic

Shingles Vaccine Really Works But Many Elderly Don’t Receive It

Herpes zoster (or shingles) is caused by the same virus that causes…

StephenSchimpff StephenSchimpff

Boomers – The Fattest Generation

According to an Associated Press-LifeGoesStrong.com poll, boomers are more obese than other…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Obesity by Country

The global obesity market is steadily growing as a result of increased…

PatrickDriscoll PatrickDriscoll

More on Caregiving Costs and Toll

The AARP Public Policy Institute has released a

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Living in Denial

A White Paper by Catalyst Healthcare Research - LIVING IN DENIAL -…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Debunking Another Eco Scare

Even by the usual standards of the environmental movement, the panic over…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Cigarette Makers Sue the FDA Over New Labeling Rules

This is getting interesting so say the least with this lawsuit.  The…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Smoke? Overweight? High BP? You Are More Likely to Have Cognitive Impairment Later in Life

  Those who smoke, are overweight, or have high blood pressure are…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Community Health Centers: Not Just a “Safety Net”

What do you think when you hear the term “safety net provider?”…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams