Tag: public health

5 Things the Public Health Department Does During a Health Crisis

When a health crisis happens, it is the public health department that…

Ryan Kh

How Health Facilities Can Prepare For Natural Disasters

  There are hundreds of natural disasters every year that impact lives…


Maintaining A Healthy And Safe Office Environment

  It can be difficult to maintain a healthy and safe office…


How Online Forums Can Help Patient-Centered Drug Development

In the August issue of New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Dr.…


Healthcare Communication Industry Tests New Offerings as Health Care Reform Evolves

Photo Credit: http://www.cbsnews.com Photo Credit: http://www.cbsnews.comYesterday eHealth, the company that owns eHealthInsurance,…


How Digital and Social Media Transforms Medical Journal Publishing

Last night, when I was searching online for an article published in…


Is Patient Privacy Endangered by Online Search?

A research letter published online this week in JAMA Internal Med reveals…


Has China Done a Good Job Handling H7N9?

Over the last few months, H7N9 has been making headlines around the…


ZocDoc High School HealthCare Essay Contest

Earlier this year, ZocDoc, the popular website dedicated to improving access to…

joan justice

Can Regional TEDMED Communities Cultivate and Implement Healthcare Innovation?

Given the intense scrutiny of recent advancements in health service delivery, it…

Principle Healthcare