Tag: public health

Cancer Scare for Coke, Pepsi Drinkers

  Most people know that sugary cola drinks have no nutritional benefits,…

GlennLaffel GlennLaffel

Chronic Disease Prevention Remains Top Priority

One year ago, passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act…

KennethThorpe KennethThorpe

A Good Place to Find Information on Clinical Trials

If you’re thinking of participating in a clinical trial for cancer or…

ElaineSchattner ElaineSchattner

Kiosk Offers Health Assessment

The processes at the Kiosks are all self service. The company already…

BarbaraDuck BarbaraDuck

Dietary Fiber and Mortality

Scientists have proven that dietary fiber lowers the risk of coronary artery…

GlennLaffel GlennLaffel

Study Shows Need for Chronic Disease Prevention

A study released earlier this week by the Centers for Disease Control…

KennethThorpe KennethThorpe

More on the Longevity Project

Cheerful children, alas, turned out to be shorter-lived than their more sober…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Dog Versus Treadmill: No Contest

A dog-loving colleague pointed me to Forget the Treadmill. Get a Dog…

DavidEWilliams DavidEWilliams

Bullying and Social Hierarchies in Schools

  Bullying and other forms of social aggression affect nearly 30% of…

GlennLaffel GlennLaffel

Feds to Regulate Rocket Fuel Levels in Tap Water

After nearly a decade of inaction, the US government is finally going…

GlennLaffel GlennLaffel