Tag: public health

The Role of Conflicted Science in the Cell Phone-Cancer Link

Dr. Dr. Len over at the American Cancer Society is raising legitimate…


Medical Myths Exposed: Do We Want Truth or Zeus?

We have had many family conversations about education reform over the We…

Michael Kirsch

Whose Diet Is Best?

Consumer Reports …declared Jenny Craig the winner among several commercial weight-loss plans,…


Ronald McDonald Promotes Obesity: Call in the Navy Seals!

Fast Food or Front for Evil?As Whistleblower readers know, I have a…

Michael Kirsch

The Government’s Diet Advice Is Not Evidence-Based

More recent research has further undermined the cholesterol-as-bad-guy hypothesis. Scientific American summed…


Racial Disparities in Health Care: The Hundred Years’ War

It was 1999 when the Federal government first acknowledged our nation had…


Health Care Buzz Today

iPad Used To Track Progress of Spinal Surgery Patients. An online health…


California Dreamin’

According to a city report on lifeguard pay for the calendar year…


State Farm Can Monitor Your Driving Habits

The software, as it says now, doesn’t report back to the company…


Snap a Photo of Your Dinner to See Its Calorie Count, and Other Links

New iPhone app lets you photograph your meal to receive a calorie…
