Tag: public health

Vitamin D May Prevent Macular Degeneration

Women might be able to prevent macular degeneration by consuming a diet…

Anthony Cirillo Anthony Cirillo

Rib-X Pharmaceuticals’ Nobel Prize Winning Platform Combats Serious Infections

Rib-X Pharmaceuticals is developing broad spectrum antibiotics with superior coverage, safety and…

HerinaAyot HerinaAyot

Driverless Autos

The promise: The benefits of driverless cars are potentially significant. The typical…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Cancer/Cell Phone Connection Challenged

In the letter, Davis and Balzano, who each have more than 35…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Irrational Attitudes Toward Risk

When is the last time you heard anyone suggest that the climbing…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

A $2 Million Makeover

That’s what it is costing taxpayers to substitute this pie chart: For…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman

Germany’s No-Nukes Decision

Matt Yglesias at the Center for American Progress worries that carbon emissions…

gooznews gooznews

The Role of Conflicted Science in the Cell Phone-Cancer Link

Dr. Dr. Len over at the American Cancer Society is raising legitimate…

gooznews gooznews

Medical Myths Exposed: Do We Want Truth or Zeus?

We have had many family conversations about education reform over the We…

Michael Kirsch Michael Kirsch

Whose Diet Is Best?

Consumer Reports …declared Jenny Craig the winner among several commercial weight-loss plans,…

JohnCGoodman JohnCGoodman