Tag: prescription drugs

5 Simple Reasons to Download the BuzzRx App and Save On Medications

BuzzRX is a great app for people that want to learn to…

Aises Jammy Aises Jammy

More Kids than Ever Have Access To Leftover Medication

Families need to protect their children from accessing unused prescription drugs, which…

Aaron Casselman Aaron Casselman

How to Get Prescriptions Online Reliably and Cost-Effectively

Prescription medicine is changing rapidly. The average American spends over $1,300 on…

Alexandra Rivers Alexandra Rivers

Who Is Responsible For A Prescription Drug Injury?

When you've been injured by taking prescription drugs, filing a drug injury…

Annie Qureshi Annie Qureshi

4 Things To Keep In Mind When You Need To Take A Prescription

  It?s important to be aware of the dangers and risks associated…

Larry Alton Larry Alton

Is Pharma “Educating” U.S. Patients in the Wrong Way?

What gets patients angry—besides being upset about their diagnosis—is high drug prices.…

Andrew Schorr Andrew Schorr

Prescription Drugs in the United States [INFOGRAPHIC]

Here's a great infographic about prescription drugs in the United States. Some…

Indy Kavelaars Indy Kavelaars

Unnecessary Regulations that Increase Prescription Drug Costs

Americans filled an estimated 3.8 billion retail prescriptions in 2011 — about…

Devon Herrick Devon Herrick