Marketing Shared Appointments: Paradigm Shift in Healthcare [Podcast]
In this Marketing Podcast, Healthcare Success Co-Founder Lonnie Hirsch and author and…
Social Media Is Bad for Relationships
It’s a proposition that was very firmly put to me recently in…
A Tale of Two Gowns: The Patient Experience
I attended the Patient Experience, Empathy and Innovation Summit hosted by the…
The 80-20 Rule and Disruptive Healthcare Professionals
A colleague forwarded on a momentarily disheartening clip from the Washington Post…
Physician Liaison Programs – Critical to Practice Growth
A shocking statistic - a specialty medical practice can depend on patient…
How High-Deductible Insurance Fuels Momentous Healthcare Shifts
Although the Affordable Care Act (ACA), in its final, amended version, has…
Why Doctors Need To Listen To And Understand The Patient’s “Perspectives” – A True Story
Perhaps the most fundamental principle of “patient-centered care” is for clinicians to…
How to Grow Your Private Pay and Elective Care Business
The rising tide of consumerism in healthcare is challenging for both the…
Are We Treating Symptoms While Ignoring the Cause?
Mary is admitted to the hospital with symptoms caused by high blood…
Most Medical Decisions Are Not Risk-Free
Interpreting Your Benefits and Risks of Medical Decisions Interpreting Your Benefits and…