Tag: pharmaceuticals

Right Result, Wrong Reason: VA Boots Avastin For Wet AMD

I’m a big fan of cost containment in health care. But I’m…


Antibiotics’ Scary Future

“What people might not know about resistance,” says Eric Utt, a former…


If Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme, What is the Medicare Part D Drug Benefit?

The wild attacks on Social Security by Republican presidential candidates including Rick…


Drug Company to Congress: The ‘Dog Ate My Homework’

Just about anyone who has ever been a kid in school recalls…


Overtreatment Alert! Antibiotics Fuel Medical Overutilization

A good friend of mine and Whistleblower reader contracted the sniffles and received…

Michael Kirsch

Florida Pill Mill Clinics

Florida has long been the nation’s center of the illegal sale of…


A High Price for Rare Cancer Drugs

Pfizer last week won Food and Drug Administration “accelerated approval” for Xalkori…


How We’re Rationing Life-Saving Drugs

Half of all hospitals are buying drugs on the gray market: Fifty-two…


Doctors and Patients Have a Failure to Communicate

Half the U.S. population takes at least one prescription drug. Sixty percent…


FDA Criticized for Lack of Controls over Increasing Prescription Narcotic Abuse

The rise in prescription drug abuse in this country has been muted…
