Tag: pharmaceuticals

Drug Development Gets Even More Personal, Precise and Tailored

As we’ve discussed, Eric Topol’s “How to Change Medicine” provides valuable insights on…

Shane Climie

Can Digitally Driven Kiosks Help Patients Find Medications?

If you have heard or read the news of late it has…


The Amazing Journey of the Lowly Aspirin

  Miracle in a bottle?   Miracle in a bottle?There are few stories in…

Dov Michaeli

Are Women Getting Crazier? Medco Seems to Think So

Despite –or maybe because– I work in health care I’m reluctant to…


Four Drugs – Each Creating A Tough Dilemma

For a parent of a child with cystic fibrosis, a new drug…


Big Brother in Your Medicine Cabinet

Should individuals be required to give up their privacy and submit to…


Health Economics and Outcomes Research: Why a Wise Manufacturer Should Think of It Early and Often

Guest Post from Marya Zilberberg, MD, MPH Guest Post from Marya Zilberberg,…

BioPharm Physicians

A Look at Oncology Medication Management

Each day, in the U.S. alone, over 4000 more people are diagnosed…

Joanna Roth

Study: Risk of Death in Elderly Patients with Dementia Doubled with Some Antipsychotic Medications

Posted in Knowledge & MedicinePharma & Devices Posted in Knowledge & MedicinePharma…


The Fiction Behind The Cost of New Drugs

The following column appeared yesterday in The Fiscal Times: The following column…
