Tag: pharma

Hepatitis C Drug Battle: What’s Going On?

Just give me the cheapest oneMakers and buyers of new Hepatitis C…


In Praise of FDA Collaboration: The Cardiac Safety Example

The Food and Drug Administration gets a lot of grief. Some think the FDA…


More US Pharmaceutical Industry Downsizing

The U.S. pharmaceutical industry has taken some pretty severe hits over the…

David Avitabile

The ABCs of Specialty Pharmacy

Anyone who has ever had the displeasure of heading to the pharmacy…

Abby Norman

How Pharma Can Meet Consumer Expectations

  Consumers expect rewards from pharma. When asked “which of the following services would…


Is Hepatitis C Treatment Cost-Effective?

One catch phrase in health care reform is cost-effectiveness.  To paraphrase, this…

Michael Kirsch

My Perspective on the High Cost of Cancer Drugs

Dr. Leonard Salz, a renowned GI cancer specialist at Memorial Sloan Kettering…

Andrew Schorr

5 Steps to Achieving URAC Specialty Pharmacy Accreditation

For many patients with complex, chronic illnesses, specialty pharmacies are the crux…

Abby Norman

6 Ways to Reduce Healthcare Costs Through Specialty Pharmacy

The Value of Specialty Pharmacy URAC AccreditationSymbol of quality, safety and reliability…

Linda Ringquist