Tag: patient portals

How Patient Portals Are Changing The Digital Healthcare Landscape

  Patient portals have become an important part of a doctor?s toolset…

Matt Wilson

Deploying a Patient Portal Isn’t Enough to Engage Them

Much has been made of the push to better engage patients, but…


Patient Portals Can Be Effective for Patient Engagement – If Clinicians Are on Board

I wrote my first patient portal site, built into my first EMR software,…


Best Practices for Boosting Patient Portal Engagement

Stage 2 of Meaningful Use is upon us, placing new emphasis on…

Zach Watson

HIMSS 2014: Portals Provide Benefits to Physicians and Patients, With Few Barriers to Access

Clinical applications continue to be a vital part of our ever-evolving health…

Cristine Kao

Knocking Down the Walls: Healthcare Reform That Will Drive Remote Patient Engagement

Health care reform brings significant changes to the way health care is…

Drew Kearney

Increasing Older Adult Vaccination Rates with Portals

New study findings for those 60 and over show an increase in shingles…


Person-Centered Healthcare: Patient Portals Working for Preventative Care

With some prodding by the federal government, more and more hospitals and…

Jennifer Bragg

Portals, Access, and Engagement: Patients Are Demanding It [INFOGRAPHIC]

With healthcare facilities and medical professionals looking for various patient services to…

Cristine Kao