3 Trends Transforming the Patient Experience
The healthcare industry has historically been slow in adopting changes that have…
Nine Out of Ten Hospitals Have No Plan to Achieve Patient Satisfaction
There’s a huge gap “between hospital management and frontline clinicians with respect…
Noise Reduction in Hospitals: The Value of Patient Experience Surveys
The value of patient experience surveys is intuitive to consumers, who are…
Person-Centered HealthCare: Three Benefits of Improving the Patient Experience
Improving the patient experience has been among healthcare executives’ top priorities for…
Moving mHealth to the Next Frontier: Aligning Patients, Physicians, Healthcare Providers & Payers
“Health data is no longer a government initiative. It is an American…
Implementing Kaizen for a Lean Health Care Transformation
Having recently attended a meeting for the American College of Healthcare Executives,…
Imagine a World Where mHealth, Telemedicine and EMRs Integrated Seamlessly
With the close of the American Telemedicine Association’s 2012 Conference and…
Innovation: Aligning Physicians and Hospitals to Create Sustainable Health Care Delivery
According to a recent HealthLeaders Media Industry CEO report, the biggest strategic…
Making Patient Experience a Priority – Infographic
A strong patient relationship is the medicine for what ails healthcare. A…