Tag: Microsoft

Three things hospitals and health systems need to do in 2016 and why

This is the time of year we all start making resolutions and…

Bill Crounse

Amazing Health Tech in Surprising Places: A Report from Azerbaijan

If you live in a large, industrialized Western country and you don’t…

Bill Crounse

Why Accessible Technology Matters…to All of Us

What does the word accessible mean to you? You may first think of the…

Bill Crounse

Transforming the Experience and Delivery of Health Care at the Mayo Clinic

Although I have been to the Minneapolis area many times over the…

Bill Crounse

Business Intelligence and Health Analytics for the Rest of Us

Business intelligence and clinical analytics (especially pred Business intelligence and clinical analytics…

Bill Crounse

Improving Patient Experience with Communication Information Technologies

Around the world, hospitals are changing the way they do business. While…

Bill Crounse

Doctors Tell Patients “Call Me Maybe” – Or Maybe Not

Several data points in the form of articles or news updates crossed…

Bill Crounse

Microsoft’s New ‘Xbox One’ Can Measure Heart Rate

(Editor's note: Dan Munro writes for Forbes.com under the heading "HealthCare Compass")…

Dan Munro

Microsoft GE Healthcare Joint Venture – A Sign of Weakness or Strength?

Microsoft and GE Healthcare announced a joint venture yesterday (as-yet unnamed), trumpeted as…

David Harlow