The Power of Simplicity in mHealth
“Technology is at its best and the most empowering when it simply…
A Digital Health Solution for Travelers: Keep a Doctor in Your Pocket
(Editor's Note: John Nosta writes for Forbes under the heading, "Health Critical")OK,…
Boomer Voice: Fitness and Fitness Gadgets for Boomers
When you exercise do you want to make every step count? I…
mHealth India: Insurance and Technology
Inspite of low penetration of Health Insurance in India, inclination towards Prevention…
All-in-One Photo-Sharing App for Docs: The Cool, the Gross, and the Puzzling
Originally published on opening your Instagram app and being greeted with…
Boomer Voice: Aging2.0 – Using SmartTech to Revolutionize the Aging Process
This article initially appeared on VentureVillage. This article initially appeared on VentureVillage.Digital natives, generation…
Why Should Radiologists Be Mobile-Friendly?
Radiologists should be mobile friendly. Have you heard that? As soon as…
Choosing New Tech Tools: Tips from a Hospital CMO
Vanguard Health System probably doesn’t come to mind as a,d.dmg" rel="nofollow"…
Boomer Health: Top 8 Best Health Digital Resources for Boomers
There are literally thousands of health, wellness, medical, fitness and caregiving apps…
Would You Use Your Smartphone as a Therapy Tool?
When feeling depressed or anxious, some people do not want to go…