Tag: mental illness

Defending the Mentally Ill Who Smoke

I hate cigarette smoke and have also been sympathetic to health plans…


ECT–The Less Than Shocking Story, Part I

Why write about ECT today? Isn’t it yesterday’s news? Actually, in the…

Rhona Finkel

Mental Health Access is No Substitute for Gun Control

I’ve been surprised at the upswell of support for increasing access to…


Mental Illness More Malignant than Melanoma

If you throw mental illness and addiction into one cesspool, take the…

Rhona Finkel

Mental Illness Awareness Week, October 7-13

Next week is Mental Illness Awareness Week.Established by Congress in 1990 thanks…

Rhona Finkel

Woefully Unprepared: America and the the Mental Health Needs of the Elderly

“The burden of mental illness and substance abuse disorders in older adults…

Rhona Finkel

Sometimes You’ve Just Got To Do It Yourself: Bipolar Infographic

Every so often I get to jonesing for a good infographic.Like most…

Rhona Finkel

When the Blues Linger: How to Spot Depression in Older Adults and the Elderly

It’s been 10 years since Dad passed away, but Mom still seems…


Summer’s Here: Time for Cool Lemonade, Trips to the Shore–AND a Mania Check

Late spring and summer, as time frees children from airless school-rooms, and…

Rhona Finkel

NYT: Social Media May Offer Avenues of Mental Health Disease Recognition & Treatment

I am not an aficianado of Facebook, though I do realize its…
