Mood Mate: Great Mental Health App, Could We Get One Like It Stateside?
Sometimes the time for an app has just come. Sometimes the time…
Top Rated Mental Health Mobile App Is Only 99 Cents to Honor World Mental Health Day
Everybody loves a bargain, and, in honor of World Mental Health Day October…
Top UK Mental Health Issues in 2012
The UK-based Mind: For Better Mental Health is a mental health charity whose mission…
Assessing Depression Via App, Part I
Before blundering blindly ahead and reading yet another post of mine, take…
Free Apps for the Mental Health Blogger
As I’m sure you may have noticed by the sheer number of…
8 Exercises to Improve Your Mental Health
As we age, our mental health deteriorates and we become less…
Tuesday September 20, 2011 I met Ben Miller at the annual AHRQ…
Mental Health Social Sites
Ten social sites that are making a positive impact on mental health…
NYT: Social Media May Offer Avenues of Mental Health Disease Recognition & Treatment
I am not an aficianado of Facebook, though I do realize its…