How Obama Would Cut Medicare and Medicaid
Yesterday, President Obama finally entered the debate about the national debt with…
Medicare Spending by Program Service Categories, 2010
Medicare is the largest payer in the $2.5 trillion dollar health care…
Medicare Data Access Provides Payment Transparency
It’s got bipartisan support, and it would call for transparency the amount…
You Can’t Take That Away From Me
Is this “the end of progressive government?” asks E.J. Dionne in The…
Is the GOP Ready to Get Serious About Medicare?
One of the most despairing aspects of the last 10 years has…
Churning in ObamaCare
A new article in Health Affairs brings attention to the problem of…
Are There Differences in Medicare Spending Across States?
Research by the Dartmouth Atlas team has indicated that Medicare spending is…
How Increasing Medicare Age of Eligibility Saves Under Reform
One of the stopgaps in federal spending on healthcare proposed by the…
Medicare Advantage Redux
Writing at the Health Affairs Blog the other day, Marsha Gold claimed…
Medicare Advantage Premiums
In 2010, one quarter of Medicare beneficiaries chose capitated plans through the…