Tag: medical innovations

What To Do If You Suspect Medical Malpractice 

The last thing anyone expects is to go to a doctor or…

Jay Vasse

Medical Innovations: The Evolution of The Eye Test

The eye test is one of the most important tools that opticians…

Anabel Cooper

How Google is Pushing Healthcare Innovation

Google is the number 3 most valuable brand in the world! It…

Nicola Ziady

$50k Available for Your Health IT Startup Ideas

 This morning I spoke with the founders of HealthBox, a business incubator…


Eyeborg–A Prosthetic Eye That Records and Streams Video (Video)

This is a video worth watching as this is amazing how he…


Russian FUS Center Nearing 900-Patient Mark in Treating Uterine Fibroids

  In the July 2011 issue of this newsletter, we reported that…


Update on InSightec Prostate Cancer Clinical Trial

In a press release last month, InSightec, Ltd. reported that pilot clinical trials at…



Sometimes I believe I should change the name of my blog to…

Gary Levin MD

A Drug That Can Cure The Common Cold?

…in a development that could transform how viral infections are treated, a…


“Hot Chemotherapy” Gaining Steam

You heard about it first on Patient Power when, a couple of…

Andrew Schorr