Is Our Medicaid System Vulnerable to Collapse in 2014?
Adults who are insured under Medicaid visit emergency rooms 40 percent more…
Making a 5% Commitment to Medicaid
Larry Casalino, MD, PhD, a well-known health services researcher at Weill Cornell…
Dual Eligibles in the U.S.: Statistics and Facts
There’s a peculiar fact concerning health care in the United States today:…
Denying care? Concerns with Oregon’s Medicaid Coverage Guidelines
When a document guiding health coverage decisions contains the word "survival" and…
ObamaCare and Tax Evasion
The Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) may help reduce tax evasion, especially…
Is Managed Care the Answer to Reduce Medicaid Drug Costs?
Summary: Healthcare costs are continuing to rise. Medicaid continues to expand. What…
The Willing Provider Problem
I spend a lot of time thinking about and researching issues around…
The Trials of Progress in the Affordable Care Act
Five months after primary care doctors who treat Medicaid patients were supposed…
Making Sense of the Oregon Experiment
Last Thursday, an article came by Kate Baicker and colleagues came out…
Hospitals Push Hard for Medicaid Expansion
The hospital lobbyists in the “no way” states are trying to get…