Tag: iPad

What Can The New iPad Do For Healthcare?

Healthcare has always thrived on new technology, but it can still be…

Rehan Ijaz

Why iPad EMRs are Better for Doctor Patient Interaction

A current debate in the healthcare industry is whether or not certain…

Benny Ford

Hospital Calculates The ROI Of An iPad At 9 Days

Editor's note: Dan Munro writes for Forbes.com under the heading, "Healthcare Compass")…

Dan Munro

mHealth: Battling Autism with an iPad

According to the advocacy organization, Autism Speaks and the Centers for Disease…


Innovative Ways for Older Americans to be Never too Old to Play

   Finding ourselves on the cusp of the close of Older Americans…

Principle Healthcare

IPAD Benefits Dementia Patients

So Easy A Senior Can Do It Getty ImagesOne Florida nursing home…

Anthony Cirillo

Tablets in Healthcare

The July/August issue of Government Health IT had an article about tablets…
