Health Business TV: Concierge Medicine, Provider Engagement, and HIPAA

In this fourth episode of Health Business TV, I discuss my mixed feelings about concierge…


Healthcare Employees Plus Social Media Can Spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E

Social media is a powerful information tool that has revolutionized how we…


Should App Developers Get HIPAA Certified?

If you are a developer and you create apps, software, or other…


7 Great Tips for Securing Personal Health Information

Healthcare professionals deal with sensitive patient information on a daily basis. Healthcare…

Andy Salmen

HIPAA for Web and Mobile Developers and Designers

I spoke at the HxRefactored conference in Brooklyn last week. I spoke…

David Harlow

The Iceberg Waiting for Your Health Care Data

The Heartbleed web security exploit was first publicized several weeks ago. The…

David Harlow

HIPAA Marketing Rule Guidance: Better Than Nothing

The HITECH Act made some significant changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule,…

David Harlow

A Summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)’s Privacy Rule focuses on…


HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance: Should You Care?

The HIPAA/HITECH Omnibus Rule became effective just over one year ago. The…

David Harlow