Tag: Healthcare

Dr. Google, I’d Like You to Meet Google Insurance Co.

2011 Google AdWords Income. Source: Wordstream 2011 Google AdWords Income. Source: WordstreamSummary:…

Jeanne Pinder

The 80-20 Rule and Disruptive Healthcare Professionals

A colleague forwarded on a momentarily disheartening clip from the Washington Post…

Tracy Granzyk

Physician Liaison Programs – Critical to Practice Growth

A shocking statistic - a specialty medical practice can depend on patient…


How High-Deductible Insurance Fuels Momentous Healthcare Shifts

Although the Affordable Care Act (ACA), in its final, amended version, has…

Stewart Gandolf

What It Takes to Write a Great Case Study

Aside from your homepage and About Us page, the Case Study section…


King v. Burwell: A Frivolous Lawsuit

What do you think will happen to Obamacare if I press this…


Is Gastric Bypass the Right Choice?

Bariatric surgery, including gastric bypass surgery, has become a popular remedy for…

Michael Kirsch

A 12-Point Checklist For Healthcare Web Content Management

Choosing the right web content management solution can be stressful for many…

Christopher G. Fox

Blister Pack Adoption Increases Medication Adherence, Save Lives

The United States health care system proves that cost doesn’t always equate…
