Tag: healthcare marketing

7 Things You Need to Know Before Rebranding Your Practice

  Before you get too far down that road, here are 7…

TysonDowns TysonDowns

Physician Reviews and the Essence of Consumer Healthcare Marketing

Once upon a time—as all fanciful tales begin—us good common folk of…

Stewart Gandolf Stewart Gandolf

2 Medical Entrepreneurs Taking Marketing by Storm

For decades, the medical market was a relatively steady place. Patients would…

Dennis Hung Dennis Hung

Digital Analytics 101 for Healthcare Marketers: Facebook Ads

This post is part of our series, Digital Analytics 101 for Healthcare…

Jonathan Catley Jonathan Catley

Physician Marketing Battles You’ll Never Win (and What to Do Instead)

Many doctors and medical practice executives have their marketing brains on overdrive.…

Stewart Gandolf Stewart Gandolf

7 Simple Ways to Strengthen Your Hospital’s Online Brand

In the internet age, a hospital’s reputation is only as strong as…

mnicolosi726 mnicolosi726

Millennial Speak: Reaching the Next Generation of Healthcare Consumers

He’s been called the first millennial CEO. And Mark Zuckerberg and his…

CraigF CraigF

Digital Analytics 101 for Healthcare Marketers: Mobile Ads and Click-to-Call

 This post is part of our series, Digital Analytics 101 for Healthcare…

Jonathan Catley Jonathan Catley

Why Wellness Clinic Blogs Need Bylines and Bios

In order to pass my five-point wellness clinic blog assessment, each post…

Linda Dessau Linda Dessau

10 Reasons Your Healthcare Practice Should Invest in Digital Marketing

There are many reasons to consider a digital healthcare marketing strategy. Here…

mnicolosi726 mnicolosi726