Tag: healthcare law

HIPAA Basics For Licensed Health Care Professionals: Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently issued a Health…

Jennifer Warren

King v. Burwell: A Frivolous Lawsuit

What do you think will happen to Obamacare if I press this…


8 Ways to Avoid Ethical Pitfalls in Social Media – Part One

 Do the ethical rules of law apply to medicine?   Do the ethical…

Barbara Ficarra

You be the Judge

  The full weight of Justice, as we see it.   The full weight…

Dov Michaeli

Reglan and Tardive Dyskinesia: Medical Malpractice or Guilt by Association?

There was phone message on my desk to call a lawyer. There…

Michael Kirsch

Frivolous Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Targeted by Medical Justice

Whistleblower readers know my views on the perverse and dysfunctional medical liability…

Michael Kirsch

Justices Pounce upon ACA Mandate Defenders on Day 2

Will SCOTUS kill the mandate provision? The mainstream blogsophere (and media) are…


Excerpts from Monday’s Supreme Court Arguments

   Arguments were presented about whether legal challenges to President Barack Obama's…

Gary Levin MD

Handicapping the SCOTUS ACA Decision, Part II

The arguments as to whether further arguments on the consitutionality of the…


CA Nurses Can Administer Anesthetics

A state appeals court has ruled nurses who are trained as anesthetists…
