Tag: healthcare costs

Not Surprising That Sick People Aren’t Always Happy About Costs

It’s late and I’m out of time to dig deeply into this…


Are New Medical Technologies The Reason For Health Care Cost Escalation – Not Really

New drugs are expensive. New medical devices are likewise. CT and MRI…


How Much Should We Spend on Healthcare ?

I recently attended a conference on the healthcare insurance industry in India.…


My Solution to the Healthcare Crisis

Here is my talk from Ignite Boston last night -- I solved…

Marya Zilberberg

Is Fee-For-Service the Problem?

Almost everyone involved in health care will tell you that the greatest…


Why Our HealthCare Spending Doesn’t Make Sense

You know that joke about the drunk crawling around under a street…

Marya Zilberberg

What Colonoscopies Cost (and Why)

Recent data from a large New York health insurer show that 85…


Rising Health Costs Affect Us All

Several new reports were released this week that shed troublesome news on…


Why US Healthcare Costs So Much More – it’s the Monopoly Factor

 Why are US Healthcare Prices so much higher than the price paid…


Prevention Axed To Pay for Doc-Fix

Would you sell your home’s storm doors to pay for this winter’s…
