Tag: health reform

With Health Care Spending Still on the Rise, Payment Models Begin to Change

Earlier this week, Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chairman Wally Herger (R-CA)…


A Better Way to Avoid Pregnancy

You know we have entered the silly season when a major national…


Repeal and Replace or Repeal and Do Nothing?

Remember how opponents of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)…


Viewpoints on Health Care Reform Around the Debates

As everyone gears up for an exciting presidential campaign year, health care…


Federal Government and HealthCare: Disparities and Delays

Some say; Some say; This is the year that will make or…

Gary Levin MD

The Government Takeover of Health Care That Isn’t

Among the wide array of hyperbolic complaints about health reform, the phrase…


Should Popular Doctors Be Paid More?

Starting in October 2012, Medicare will pay 3,000 acute care hospitals more…


Medicaid Expansion: Will We get our Money’s Worth?

Should we just hand uninsured adult diabetics $1000 per year rather than…


Health Reform Calendar 2012

Thanks to Sarah Kliff, who writes for Ezra Klein’s Wonkblog over at…

Brad Wright

California Health Budget Slash

     Governor Brown surprise budget announcements. Major revisions will be made…

Gary Levin MD