Tag: health reform

The Health Care Reform Bill: Infographic

With the close of oral arguments surrounding the constitutionality of the Patient…

Principle Healthcare

Repeal and Do What Exactly?

Republican Senators Alexander, Johanns, Hoeven and Risch –all of whom have been…


My Solution to the Healthcare Crisis

Here is my talk from Ignite Boston last night -- I solved…

Marya Zilberberg

Post SCOTUS Arguments, Waiting Game Begins

After two days of deliberations before the Supreme Court, the national discourse…


Is Fee-For-Service the Problem?

Almost everyone involved in health care will tell you that the greatest…


SCOTUS and the ACA: Day 3 of Deliberations Get Underway

 Although the subject matter today — the final day of deliberations before…


Justices Pounce upon ACA Mandate Defenders on Day 2

Will SCOTUS kill the mandate provision? The mainstream blogsophere (and media) are…


ACA Individual Mandate Provision: Day 2 of Deliberations

Going into the second day of oral arguments before the Supreme Court…


This Week in Washington

The Beltway is abuzz this week -- and not just due to…


Handicapping the SCOTUS ACA Decision, Part II

The arguments as to whether further arguments on the consitutionality of the…
