Tag: health reform

Nearly One-Third of All Workers Now in Consumer-Driven Health Plans

The Kaiser Family Foundation recently released its annual survey of employer health…


Accountable Care Organizations: The Future of American Health Care?

The implementation of the Affordable Care Act continues to move ahead, although…

Brad Wright

Anti-RUC Suit Challenges Process for Setting Doc Pay Scales

Whither CMS? That’s the issue raised by Brian Klepper and David Kibbe…


Massachusetts Leads The Way Again on Health Reform

It's no secret that the Affordable Care Act was based largely on…

Brad Wright

Paul Starr’s Remedy and Reaction – Book Review

The passage of the Affordable Care Act has seen a number of…

Brad Wright

Where Does Health Care Fit in Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan?

Now that Herman Cain sits atop at least some GOP presidential polls,…


Hoping for a Huntsman Surge –at Least to Up the Quality of the GOP HealthCare Debate

I’ll concede right upfront that I’m one of those Massachusetts liberals certain…


IPAB, PSA Testing – The Lies Continue

Aside from Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney…


Who’s Gonna Put a Ding in the HealthCare Universe?

I’ll try not to turn this into yet another Steve Jobs centered…

John Worth

Election 2012: Romneycare vs. Obamacare

Now that the GOP field fighting for the ’12 nod has been…
