Tag: health care reform

Budget Office Releases New Projection on Effect of Repeal of Reform Law

What does the Congressional Budget Office think that repeal of the ACA…


Obama and Budget Director Certain on Most Facets of ’12 Budget (Just Don’t Ask About Medicare & Medicaid)

President Obama has referred to Medicare and Medicaid as the “two biggest…


Bye, bye Brokers?

In general I oppose the minimum Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) provision of…


85 Year Old Surgeon Gets 3 Years Probation in Death of Patient Under Going Cosmetic Surgery

You have to wonder about this case as yes it is unfortunate…


Ronald Hansen on the NIH’s Planned Drug Development Center (transcript)

This is the transcript of my recent podcast interview with Ron Hansen…


The Department of Health and Human Services Makes Effort to Increase PCIP Rolls

By the close of 2010, the Obama administration had hoped that roughly…
