Tag: gun control

Gun Law Reform Should Not Require Medical Records

The federal government has proposed that state mental health agencies be allowed…


When Gun Violence Strikes Close to Home

I have written about gun violence and the need for common sense…


Reframing Gun Control as a Public Health Issue

Gun proponents have worked hard to characterize unfettered firearm ownership as a…


Mental Health Access is No Substitute for Gun Control

I’ve been surprised at the upswell of support for increasing access to…


Kristof Asks the Right Question: Do We Have the Courage to Stop This?

I am watching CNN reporters interview various folks about the horrific events…


“Guns, Kids, and Commonsense

Another gun massacre and another round of rhetoric.  Us gun control types…


Gun Control is a Public Health Issue

Like everyone else, I was horrified when I first heard the news…

Liz Seegert