Tag: global health care

Taking Your US Healthcare Administration Degree Abroad

Healthcare administration is one of the largest growing fields not only in…


Report: Obama’s Hopes for Reform on Global Scale Falls Short on Initial Goals

Many armchair health policy watchers are fully aware of President Obama’s passage…


The High Cost of Vaccine Refusal

The measles virus can be deadly: it can lead to deafness, pneumonia,…


Asesinato, Si; Tortura, No

Osama bin Laden deserved to die. Or at least I think he…


The Changing Body

The basic argument is rather simple: that the health and nutrition of…


The New Bottom Billion: Implications for GAVI?

By Amanda Glassman - By Amanda Glassman -Our new visiting fellow Andy…

Amanda Glassman

Radiation Risks in Perspective

Living next to a nuclear power plant for a year is as…


Fear of Nuclear Accidents Worse than the Accidents Themselves

This is Rob Stein in The Washington Post, via Robin Hanson: Although…


Really Oxfam? Really?

Oxfam hasn’t let pesky little things like representative household surveys and impact…

Amanda Glassman

Six Ideas and Questions for GAVI’s New CEO

This week, Dr. Seth Berkley was named Chief Executive Officer of the…

Amanda Glassman