Tag: genomics

Playing God: Bioengineering and the Future of Medicine

It doesn’t take a lot to see why some people are scared…

Daniel Matthews

SolveBio Scores $2M to Clean Up and Index Genomic Data for Developers

First published on MedCityNews.com. Now that the $1,000 genome has arrived, the…

Deanna Pogorelc

Delivering High Quality Healthcare: Measure, Improve, Measure Again

I continue to be amazed by the magical thinking that is swirling around electronic…

Bill Crounse


Jacquie Scarlett, Wellpepper Director of Customer Experience, and I were some of…

Anne Weiler

Scientists Recode Entire Genome of Organism: The Dawn of Synthetic Biology?

Like editors trying to improve a poorly-written book, a team of scientists…

Susan Scutti

GenePeeks Tests and Screens Virtual Progeny

GenePeeks, a New York Start-Up, has partnered with a sperm bank in…

joan justice

Spit Happens! Genentech and 23andMe Team Up to Advance Genomic Testing in Clinical Trials

(Editor's Note: John Nosta writes for Forbes under the heading, "Health Critical")Has…

John Nosta

The Quantified Self and the Most Perfect Gift in the Universe

(Editor's Note: John Nosta writes for Forbes under the heading "Health Critical")First…

John Nosta

Britain Shows Support for Genetically Modified Embryos to Prevent Disease

(First published in MedCityNews) (First published in MedCityNews)Talk about wow. Reports out…

Deanna Pogorelc

Why You Must Demand Precision Medicine for Cancer

The Human Genome Project was a really big deal, identifying the genes…

Andrew Schorr