Tag: facebook

Using Facebook to Market Your Medical/Dental Practice: Social Networking for Doctors

   Most businesses today realize that an effective Facebook presence is an…

Jonathan Govette

Do’s and Dont’s for Physicians on Facebook

So finally Social Media has hit the spot with doctors. Its the…

Nrip Nihalani

Facebook or Blog …. Healthcare and Social Media

   Although I’m not a huge fan of many of the infographics out…


A Challenge of Ethics on Facebook

Ben Dillon has posted on a truly difficult ethical situation shares the story on GeoVoices. It involves…


Employee Makes Fun of Patient on Facebook

When will our employees learn not to identify patients on Facebook or…


Social Media in HealthCare

  It seems no matter where you look on the internet the…

Gary Levin MD

Credibility and Privacy Issues Limit Usefulness of Health Care Social Communities

EXCLUSIVE ARTICLE - Social networks such as Facebook and YouTube include many…


Merck In Germany Fighting Merck in the US Over Facebook Page

German Merck and US Merck are two different companies and were separated…


How to Prepare For and Execute An Online Presence

Learn more about How to Prepare For and Execute An Online Presence.…


MDs Facebooking Patients

A new Sermo report Yes, MDs are Facebooking their Patients reveals how physicians are…
